Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Light Buckwheat Flour

Not light as in "low fat" or "low calorie", but light as in "more like white flour".

For a long time I have had difficulty using light (or white) buckwheat flour in recipes. Whatever I made with it turned out very heavy. I mixed it with other flours with only minimal success. But as you can see from yesterday's post, I have begun to find ways to make it that work out quite nicely (thanks in part to the cookbook I mentioned yesterday).

I figured, since it is not that easy to find, that some people might wonder where to get this versatile, gluten free flour, so the following link will take you to a website where they sell it.

The more you buy of the flour, the more you save, and I am always looking for people who would like to a bag or two of their own so I can order in bulk!!

Take a second and read a bit about this farm -- it has an interesting history.

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