Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Two Sisters Gardening

Going along with the "new blog" theme of yesterday, I wanted to let you garden lovers (and novices) know about this new blog that is all about organic gardening.

What does this have to do with Noah? A lot, actually. Several years ago, my mother and Aunt decided to start an organic garden thinking that it would not only be a fun challenge, but it would provide some of the organic vegetables Noah needs for his very special diet. Now, several successful crops later, the two sisters are looking to share some of what they have learned as well start an online and local gardening club.

Check them out soon! Believe it or not, now is the time to start getting that garden plot ready! They will have a lot of guests that will highlight many kinds of gardening, so be ready to learn.

And remember when you check out their site (by clicking the picture above) -- its inspiration began with Noah!!

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