Sunday, April 22, 2012

About Being Busy

Sometimes I think I invented the concept of being busy -- and, admit it, you feel that way at times, too! Now having a three week old, Noah's program, and Eli's homework and baseball and gymnastics, I'm feeling that way again.

Add to it the fact that we are selling one house and getting ready to move to another... Who planned all this for a few month period?!? Okay, so maybe I can't blame it ALL on my husband, but until I am less sleep-deprived, I'm sure the fault is mostly his ;-).

So how do you get it all done when the world is throwing more at you than you know what to do with? Humph! You don't!! You take a deep breath, stay relaxed, and plunge forward getting as much done as you can. You (gulp) accept help from others, and you brush aside the silly guilty feelings. And you keep doing as much as you can. One day, it all comes together and calms down for a while. You start feeling like getting more done, and you stop impatiently yelling at your kids. You appreciate all the wonderful things going on in your life -- those things you can appreciate the next time you get this busy.

You know that scripture that says God never gives you more than you can handle? A lot of people seem to forget that the next line says something like, "Or if he does, he will give you the strength to get through it." So here I am in getting God's strength to get through it. All I can do is relax and enjoy the journey. And that's really all you can do, too!

1 comment:

virginia botox said...

Makes you also productive on the other hand. Keep an active life.