Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Colds and Surgery -- not related topics.

What a crazy time we have had this past month! Between Noah's program, football for Eli, holidays with family fun and traveling -- not to mention a couple of nasty colds that hit back to back... How have we had time to breath?!

We are still trying to recover from the colds and ensuing infections, which means Noah's physical program has been slow-going. And, really, that's always my biggest frustration. A cold for most of us means feeling bad for a while and coughing for a few weeks after if it was a bad cold. For Noah it is a huge set-back to his program. Why is that such a big deal? Well, a set-back to Noah's program is a set-back to his life. Noah needs about 4-6 months straight of great program to really see improvement in his ability to function, and it has been a while since we've been able to get really great program going for that long of a period. PRAYER!!

Also, Noah is having surgery next week -- on Wednesday (Dec. 5). He's having an orchiopexy on both sides. Don't know what that is? Google. The last thing I want to talk about on this blog is Noah's... Ah, just google it.

Anyway, it is supposed to be outpatient. Of course the last time Noah has outpatient surgery he was in the hospital four days. So another reason for prayer!

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