Tuesday, October 11, 2011


My 10th grade English teacher used to quote Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men" every time someone told her they had a problem with their homework: "The best laid plans of mice and men do often go awry."

Yesterday morning I made Noah a flat cake using tapioca, ground macadamias, and mashed acorn squash -- all ingredients he tolerates well -- but I cooked it in coconut oil, which I haven't used for him before.

As a mentioned last week, I have been trying to get more solid foods in his diet. The flat cake cooked up well, had a nice texture, and I rounded it off nicely by covering it in strawberry "syrup" (i.e. pureed strawberries). He ate it just as well as he had the oat flour pancake.

However, he would not eat the rest of the day because his stomach was hurting. I try to regularly to add new things to his very limited diet, and sometimes it backfires. Evidently we can cross coconut oil off the list.

We've lost two days of program, which is the chance we take trying new foods. The good news is he is eating well today, and we look forward to starting back up tomorrow.

Because as Anne Shirley said, "Tomorrow's a new day with no mistakes in it!!" I much prefer Montgomery to Steinbeck.

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