Sunday, October 9, 2011

Nutrition Part Two: Choices

Yes, I said I would post this yesterday, but better late than never, right? As I said, I wanted to start with some basic ways you can get your children to eat healthier. My first suggestion is so obvious that it feels a little silly -- and yet many people struggle with this simple rule.

I can't tell you how many people I have heard say, "My child is so picky, they just won't eat anything healthy!" I usually just respond with something generic like, "Oh, yes, that is very difficult." I leave it at that, but it is difficult for a while. It might take a few tantrums, but if you took the world's pickiest two year old and put them on an desert island with nothing but healthy foods, THEY WOULD NOT STARVE TO DEATH!!

Which brings me to my first suggestion: Get the junk food out of your house, and replace it with healthier options - quick and easy options like apples, raisins, raw nuts, grapes, carrots, etc. Also find a few healthier options for cookies and muffins that incorporate whole grains and much less sugar. Replace the bad with something better. Then put the healthiest options out on the table. It never hurts for your kids to snack on fruits and veggies. Get a tray that fits in the fridge that you can keep out during the day.

If your child has the option between a cookie and an apple, they are going to choose the cookie. Take the unhealthy option away, and after a while they find they actually like the apple. Also, they'll see the healthy options on the table and munch on them without asking you for anything.

This also means that YOU have to choose the healthier option as well. Never think that you can get away with eating a cookie while your kid eats an apple. Children need to see their parent making healthy choices as well.

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