Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Back to the real world!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving week filled with family and food, and now (on Tuesday) we are still trying to get back to our routine. Noah and I enjoyed having Eli home from school the entire week, and are missing him now. Plus, Noah seemed to have picked up a mild cold that is lingering (and making him quite unwilling to do anything but masks and intellectual program today).

He told me on the FC, "I am sick because I have a sore throat and am very stuffy!" Had I given him time, he probably would have added that he needs to take it easy and watch a movie -- he usually says that when he is sick. He is such a sweet, little rascal!

I am sorry to say, also, that I didn't take any good pictures this past week. I think it was because I finally got Noah and Eli's food allergy profile back from their blood work, and was reeling from all the changes I am having to make to both of their diets.

I did manage, however, to make turkey and dressing and pumpkin pie that each of them could enjoy. In fact, Eli's pumpkin pie was so good that everyone enjoyed it without knowing it didn't contain a lot of the "normal" ingredients. And I wish I had taken a picture of the free range turkey we baked for Noah. It was so pretty (not to mention delicious)!!

I'll talk more about the blood work results and what those food allergies mean for the boys another day, but for now I get to begin wishing everyone a:


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