Here's Noah enjoying some Trunk-or-Treat games. He loves carnival games!
And here's Eli enjoying the inflatables.
I know Eli's eyes are almost closed, but Noah and their cousin (the good witch) Riley, are so cute that I had to post it.
This was after trick-or-treating in our Neighborhood. The boys were very happy their daddy made it home from work in time to join in (and so was I!!). We were loaded down with candy (that, of course, Noah can't eat), but it's the norm, you know? Noah doesn't care that he can't eat the candy. He just wants to have fun doing what the other kids do.
On a side-note, Eli could hardly see through the helmet. I ended up having to take it off between each house and plop it back on his head when he got up to each door. It was completely hilarious!!!
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