Thursday, November 3, 2011

Allergy Blood work

Well, we got Noah's allergy profile back, and surprise, surprise (not really) Noah is severely allergic to peanuts. We've known that was likely due to the reaction he had one time to peanut oil on his skin, but it's good to have it confirmed. It doesn't really change anything. We don't let a peanut within miles of Noah.

He was also moderately allergic to egg whites and wheat. We knew about the egg whites as he has had an allergic reaction to those in the past. Wheat was more of a surprise because he's hardly ever had it. There is solid research behind wheat (and milk) for kids with CP that indicates it incapacitates their ability to absorb other nutrients, and since we found that out, he's not had any wheat at all. I find it really interesting, then, that he shows an actual allergy to it (I'm differentiating between an allergy and an intolerance, because there are tons of foods that cause him gastric distress that aren't true allergies).

Then he also had a mild reaction to soybeans, corn, and sesame seeds. It doesn't really surprise me about the sesame seeds. I tried to give him some a few months back and he projectile-vomited it.

Like I said above, it doesn't really change anything (except that we'll be armed with an epipen for the peanut allergy). He wasn't eating any of those things anyway. Now we will go today for the intolerance profile blood work in hopes that we will have more direction on which foods to try adding into his diet.

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