Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Special Needs Christmas Gifts

In past seasons, I have always gotten Noah at least one switch toy (no, not the kind that Santa gives those children on the naughty list). Switch toys are typical toys that move and make sounds, etc., but the are attached to a big, round button that Noah can push easily to make it go, or light up, or whatever it does. We have a lightning McQueen car, a train, a couple of remote control cars, and even a lady bug that you can put a marker into and draw pictures using the remote control.

Also, Noah loves to read, so we always get him several books as well and encourage family to do the same. Of course we get him clothes and other things that he needs, but this year I am searching for something that he can really enjoy -- I just haven't found it yet. I'd love one of those large wedge mats, but they are so expensive.

Of course I'm in the crowd that wants to celebrate Thanksgiving before I begin enjoying the Christmas season, but I'd also like to get the gifts over with in plenty of time to enjoy the season without rushing around like mad!

Any suggestions on something fun to give Noah?

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