Thursday, December 1, 2011

Great Article About Autism Therapy

This is a great article about autism therapy and the need to teach other children how to interact with children with special needs. While the focus is on children with autism, the same is true for other special needs kids. Noah LOVES to interact with other children, but it is hard for him to do because they don't know how to interact with him. Of course there is Noah's brother and cousins who have all been taught and have been around him enough to have figured it out -- indeed, Noah's oldest cousin (now 11) can get him laughing so hard we have to make him take a break! And most kids we have been around are very willing to learn. In fact, I find that most of them want to know how they can interact with Noah.

What this article doesn't mention is that there are also benefits for the children who learn to interact with special needs kids. Is it not a wonderful lesson for children to learn that there are needs outside of themselves? Especially when it can be done in such a positive way. So if you see the opportunity, get your kids involved. And even if the opportunity never arises, do a little research yourself and find out the best way to interact with the special needs kid(s) with which you come in contact. Then teach it to your children.

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