Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A problem with yeast -- a good article

I know I have mentioned Eli testing allergic to yeast with really high counts. The doctor actually put him on a round of medicine to take care of the yeast in his digestive tract, the count was so high.

Yeast, most commonly candida, can be a big problem for children with brain injuries -- like Noah. And indeed, several years ago Noah had a really difficult time getting rid of his yeast overgrowth. His was so bad that he kept thrush (the white growth on the tongue) for months. We now keep Noah on probiotics and several other supplements to keep the yeast at bay. It is also good that he is not on any sugars as sugars feed yeast.

Yeast problems like this are not extremely common, but they can cause a lot of digestive issues, and in children particularly have been linked to problems like chronic fatigue and poor attention.

I'm not suggesting that curing a yeast problem will cure Autism, or CP, or ADD, but it certainly seemed to affect Noah a lot more than it has Eli. So taking care of a problem like this can at least help the physiology of any special needs child who has it -- and those of you with experience, you know physiology is 75 percent (or more) of the battle.

For more information about yeast, check out this article from TACA (Talk About Curing Autism): What Is Yeast Overgrowth

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