Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Movie Time

In the afternoon, Noah spends a little time in his respiratory patterning jacket. The jacket helps him to take deep breaths in a good rhythm, and done enough, his brain will remember the appropriate rhythm and keep that rhythm going. For this he needs to remain relaxed.

The problem I have with it is that he gets bored and starts kicking his feet and wiggling around -- so much so that his rate of respiration increases. Then the jacket doesn't do him a whole lot of good. I have found that a good movie helps this problem.

So here you see the boys enjoying a bit of Toy Story 3. I love the intense concentration on their faces. Often times Eli is at school while Noah is doing his jacket time, so Noah will watch his movie in Spanish. He pays attention just as well, and still laughs at the same places (plus a few extra -- and I have been told by a doctor from Mexico that the Spanish versions are funnier -- I guess Noah agrees).


Katie said...

What an amazingly strong boy you have. God bless your family!

Amelia said...

Yes, we do, *Katie*! Thanks so much!