Monday, August 27, 2012

The Best Laid Plans

I love to let you know about the wonderful days that Noah has. The days when he crawls really well and the days when we get all his work done. Days when he does great masks, and he feels really great. He eats all of his meals easily and is all around happy. Today was not one of those days.

Noah ate his breakfast really well, but it went downhill from there. He didn't want to crawl (though he did do some -- it was just very unwilling). He didn't want to eat his lunch, and he had no energy in the afternoon. He started having stomach trouble, and he only ate about half his supper. We did get a lot of school stuff done, but it was still a very frustrating day.

Why? Doesn't everybody have a bad day now and then?!

Yes, but it seems that our worst days come on the days where I have better plans laid out than any other times. The school subjects were prepared, and I knew how much physical program we were going to do, and when we were going to do it.

So what do you do when "the best laid plans... do often go awry?" First you bring Steinbeck to the present and "roll with it." You do what you can today and plan for a better tomorrow, because someone older and wiser (or at least more positive than Steinbeck) reminds us that "tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it (yet)."

Or at least that's the attitude I'm trying to have.


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