Thursday, December 13, 2012

Surgery Delayed

Noah's surgery scheduled for last week was cancelled for now, which is both good and bad. It will still have to be done (the bad part), but we've been able to go ahead with our Christmas fun. So far we have decorated the tree, the house, and some really yummy gluten free sugar cookies (recipe to be posted tomorrow).

For now I thought I'd post a sweet picture. A few days ago, Noah's little brother Isaiah was crawling around near me while I was doing some cleaning. Noah was hanging in his bean bag chair for a bit, which was on the other side of the sofa. I watched Isaiah crawl around the sofa, and I could hear him talking to Noah. Then he got quiet (uh-oh).

When I walked around the sofa, I found a very happy Isaiah sitting in a very happy Noah's lap. It was a great Kodak moment (who uses Kodak anymore? I used my cell!).

I love these boys!! The only way it could be better is if 
Eli had been around to jump into the background!

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